jeudi 14 avril 2016

A.S.O Chlef Wallpaper Anime

Release date :  14/04/2016
Size : 0.98 Mo APK
Version : 1.0
Plateform : Android 2.2
Programmer : Quantum
mail :
Description : this Wallpaper anime is dedicated for A.S.O (Association Sportive Olympique de Chlef)...

1 - Sensor gravity
2 - Collision 
3 - Real motion of the balls (based on true dynamics of physics including gravity)
4 - border forces and friction  
5 - balls are interactive when you touch the screen

For more details about A.S.O:   click here

Download Application : not available 


برنامج اندروويد يعمل في الهواتف النقالة المتمثل في
 خلفية شاشة متحركة اهديه لجمعية الرياضية لأولمبي الشلف  و كل محبين و انصار الفريق

Video Demo


mardi 12 avril 2016

How to Make a 3d Game with FreeBasic in 24 hours ....(OS Linux,win32)

I'd like to share with the beginner especially who cares about 3D games and never had the opportunity to build real 3d application of course a good knowledge of 3d math is necessary , if you follow every step I garantie you that you will create your owner game in 24 hours without including any external libraries or exporting 3d model from other application the 3d modelisation is made by code using basic geometry (box, sphere, ...) adding a few simples algorithms , you have just to need freebasic as a standard language which can be downloaded and installed without much efforts (< 20 mb of size), you can also learn from this simple tutorial step by step the technics of 3d object motion ,detecting collision etc ...and use it in your owner code...I hope this code below  would be enough and useful . 

REM SPACE3D Programmed by quantum 15 /03/2016
#include "GL/" 'OpenGL funks and consts
#include "GL/" 'GL standard utility lib
#include "GL/" 'GL standard utility lib
#include ""
#include once ""
#include ""

#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using FB '' Scan code constants are stored in the FB namespace in lang FB

const maxpic = 3

Dim shared mixer As xsound.mixer
Dim shared sound As xsound.sound
dim shared channel as

dim shared gbase as uinteger                      '' Base Display List For The Font
dim shared texture(0 to 6) as uinteger            '' Storage For Our  Texture
dim shared gloop as integer  

dim shared score as integer
Dim x As Single
Dim y As Single
Dim shared Wheel As Integer
Dim result As Integer
Dim a As Integer
dim shared move as integer
dim shared pause as integer
dim shared as integer mouse,key
dim shared st as string
dim shared collision as integer
dim shared pic as integer

Const JoystickID = 0
dim shared as single FogCol(0 to 3 )=> {0.9f,0.9f,0.9f}
dim shared as single LightPos(0 to 3) => {-1000.0, 0, 0.0, 1.0} '' Light Position
dim shared as single LightAmb(0 to 3) => {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} '' Ambient Light Values
dim shared as single LightDif(0 to 3) => {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0} '' Diffuse Light Values
dim shared as single LightSpc(0 to 3) => {1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0} '' Specular Light Values
dim shared as single MatAmb(0 to 3) => {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} '' Material - Ambient Values
dim shared as single MatDif(0 to 3) => {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0} '' Material - Diffuse Values
dim shared as single MatSpc(0 to 3) => {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0} '' Material - Specular Values
dim shared as single MatShn(0) => {0.0}

type vec3
dim as single x,y,z
end type
dim shared as vec3 position,velocity,up
type box
dim as single x,y,z
dim as single lx,ly,lz
dim as single r,g,b
end type

dim shared as double xs,ys,zs,radius
Dim shared As Integer xmouse, ymouse, xmousep, ymousep,buttons
DIM SHARED as single teta, phi
dim shared as single phip,tetap,d
dim shared FOVy as double 'Field of view angle in Y
dim shared Aspect as double 'Aspect of screen
dim shared znear as double 'z-near clip distance
dim shared zfar as double
declare sub init_screen(w as integer, h as integer)
declare sub getxymouse(byref x as single,byref y as single,byref w as integer)
declare sub BuildFont()  
declare sub glPrint(byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byref glstring as string, byval gset as integer)
declare sub boom
declare sub init_box
declare sub draw_box
declare sub setcamera(p as vec3,v as vec3)
declare sub setcamera_plane(p as vec3,v as vec3)
declare Sub setcamera_plane_up(p as vec3,v as vec3)
declare sub setcamera0
declare sub  cokbit ( teta as single)
Declare sub  plane( teta as Single)
declare sub  picture ( teta as single, x as single,y as single, z as single)

dim shared as integer Xres, Yres
dim  shared as double  dt,start

windowtitle " family Space 3D programmed by Delta Fares..."

print "welcome to space family 3d game  programmed by quantum  15/03/2015"
input "please choose mouse (1) or keyboard (2) or JoyStick (3)  control =  ",x
if x = 1 then mouse = 1:key = 0 endif
if x = 2 then mouse = 0:key = 1 endif
if x<>1 and  x<>2 then key =0 : mouse =1: print "mouse control by default "  else print "press any key to start": sleep endif

dim shared as integer nx,ny
input "please choose Difficulty level  0-1-2-3-4 =  ",x
if nx>4 then ny = 2*10*4+20 else ny = 2*10*x+20
print "press any key to start " :sleep

init_screen (Xres,Yres)

dim shared as single Lx,Ly,Lz
 nx =10
 ny =30
dim shared nbox(0 to nx-1, 0 to ny-1) as box
dim shared deltad as single
dim shared as integer i,j


dim shared as GLUquadricObj ptr q 
q = gluNewQuadric()                          '' Initialize Quadratic
gluQuadricNormals(q, GL_SMOOTH)              '' Enable Smooth Normal Generation
gluQuadricTexture(q, GL_TRUE)    


start_game:                    'star game,1,0,0)

Lx = 1000
Ly = 2000
Lz = 200
position.x = -2000
position.y = 0
position.z = 60
velocity.x = 500
velocity.y = 0
velocity.z = 0
wheel =0
collision = 0
pic  =2*rnd+4

ys = 300*rnd-300 :xs = position.x+ 500*rnd+2000: zs = 30*rnd+30:radius = 30*rnd+50
score = 0
d = 0
pause =0

 start = timer   
'if Inkey="p" then pause = not(pause)
'id pause = 1
if position.y >= 1000 then position.y = 1000
if position.y <= -1000 then position.y = -1000
if key then
If MultiKey(SC_LEFT ) Then position.y = position.y + 0.5: d =d + 0.001
If MultiKey(SC_RIGHT) Then position.y = position.y - 0.5: d = d - 0.001
If MultiKey(SC_UP ) Then velocity.x = velocity.x + 1
If MultiKey(SC_DOWN ) Then velocity.x = velocity.x -1

if not(MultiKey(SC_LEFT )) and not(MultiKey(SC_RIGHT)) and d > 0 then d = d-0.005
if not(MultiKey(SC_LEFT )) and not(MultiKey(SC_RIGHT)) and d < 0 then d = d+0.005
if abs(d) < = 0.0005 then d = 0

'result= GetJoystick(JoystickID,buttons,x,y)
'position.y = position.y - 5*x
if mouse then
if wheel < 0 then wheel = 0
velocity.x =  100*wheel+50
position.y = position.y - 0.5*x

if velocity.x >= 2000 then velocity.x = 2000
if velocity.x <= 50 then velocity.x = 10
'if buttons and 3 then velocity.x = velocity.x + 0.001

for j=0 to ny-1
for i = 0 to nx-1
if position.x > nbox(i,j).x  then
nbox(i,j).x = position.x+rnd*Lx/nx+2*Lx:nbox(i,j).lx = rnd*40+2
nbox(i,j).y = position.y+2*Ly/ny*j-Ly+rnd*Ly/ny:nbox(i,j).ly = rnd*20+2
nbox(i,j).z = 0:nbox(i,j).lz =20+rnd *Lz
next i
next j

for j=0 to ny-1
for i = 0 to nx-1
if abs(position.x - nbox(i,j).x)<=nbox(i,j).lx  and abs(position.y - nbox(i,j).y)<=nbox(i,j).ly  and position.z< nbox(i,j).lz then boom:goto start_game endif
next i
next j

if abs(position.x - xs)<=40  and abs(position.y - ys)<=radius then collision=1:channel.stop(3,0),2):pic = 2*rnd+4 endif
if collision= 1 and abs(position.x - xs) >radius  and abs(position.y - ys) > radius then score=score+(x+1)*velocity.x/10:collision = 0 endif

up.x = 0
up.y = sin(d)
up.z = cos(d)
position.x = position.x+ velocity.x*dt

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPos(0))

glclearcolor 0.1,0.0,0.3,1.0

if position.x> Xs then ys = 800*rnd-800 :xs = position.x+ 500*rnd+1500:zs = 30*rnd+30: radius = 30*rnd+50 endif


glcolor3f 1.0,1.0,1.0
glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(3)
glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
gltranslated xs,ys,zs+250
glrotatef timer*100,0,0,1

gluSphere(q, radius, 10, 10) 

glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(pic)

if mouse then plane(200*d)
if key then plane(-120*d)

glDisable GL_BLEND
glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(2)
glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D
glcolor3f 0.7,0.6,0.4
draw_box 'Draw something

glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW  
glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D
glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH
'glClearDepth 1.0                         '' Enables Clearing Of The Depth Buffer
glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL  '' The Type Of Depth Test To Do
glEnable GL_BLEND
glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(1)                '' Select Our Second Texture
glColor3f 1.0,1.0,1.0                                  '' Set Color To White

glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW  
'glscale3f 1,1,1
st = str(score)
glColor3f 1.0,0.0,0.0 
glPrint xres-200,yres-20, "SCORE = "+st, 0

dt = timer-start

loop until Inkey =chr(27)

sub init_box
dim as integer i,j
for j = 0 to ny-1
   for i = 0 to nx-1
  nbox(i,j).x = 2*Lx/nx*i-Lx+rnd*Lx/nx:nbox(i,j).lx = rnd*40+2
  nbox(i,j).y = 2*Ly/ny*j-Ly+rnd*Ly/ny:nbox(i,j).ly = rnd*20+2
  nbox(i,j).z = 0:nbox(i,j).lz =20+rnd *Lz
  nbox(i,j).r = rnd
  nbox(i,j).g = rnd
 nbox(i,j).b = rnd
 next i
next j

end sub

dim shared st1 as string
sub boom


 start = timer
'glDisable GL_BLEND     
glclearcolor rnd,0.0,0.0,1.0
'glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D
'glDisable GL_BLEND

'glEnable GL_BLEND
'glclearcolor 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0
'glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(1)                '' Select Our Second Texture
 'glscalef 4,4,4 
 '' Set Color To White
glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(1)                '' Select Our Second Texture
glColor4f 1.0,1.0,1.0 ,1.0 
glPrint xres-580,yres-480, "GAME OVER ", 0
st1 = str(score)
glColor3f 1.0,1.0,1.0 
glPrint xres-600,yres-420, "YOUR SCORE = "+st1, 0
loop until MultiKey(SC_SPACE )
' mixer.stop

' timer-start _game>= 1000

end sub   

sub draw_box
dim as integer i,j
glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(2)
glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(-100*Lx, -100*Ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(-100*Lx, 100*Ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(100*Lx, 100*Ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(100*Lx, -100*Ly,0)
for j = 0 to ny-1
for i = 0 to nx-1
 glcolor3f nbox(i,j).r,nbox(i,j).g,nbox(i,j).b
glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz )
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
'' Back Face
' glNormal3f(0.0, 0.0, - 1.0)
' glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
' glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
' glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
' glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
'' Top Face
glNormal3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,0)
'' Bottom Face
glNormal3f(0.0, - 1.0, 0.0)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,0)
'' Right Face
glNormal3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x+nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,0)
'' Left Face
glNormal3f(- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,0)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 0.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y-nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(1.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,nbox(i,j).lz)
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 1.0) : glVertex3f(nbox(i,j).x-nbox(i,j).lx, nbox(i,j).y+nbox(i,j).ly,0)
' line(nbox(i,j).x-Lx/(n)+xres/2, nbox(i,j).y-Ly/(n)+yres/2)-(nbox(i,j).x+Lx/(n)+xres/2,nbox(i,j).y+Ly/(n)+yres/2),RGB(255,255,255),b
next i
next j
end sub
sub init_screen(w as integer, h as integer)

Dim w1 As Integer, h1 As Integer
Dim depth As Integer
Dim driver_name As String

' Obtain info about current mode
ScreenInfo w1, h1, depth,,,,driver_name
xres = w1: yres = h1
ScreenRes xres, yres, 16,2,&h2 Or GFX_NO_FRAME
glViewport 0, 0, w1, h1
FOVy = 60 'deg fovy
Aspect = w1 / h1 'aspect = x/y
znear = 1 'Near clip
zfar = 2400 'far clip

gluPerspective FOVy, aspect, znear, zfar
gluLookAt 100,100,100,0,0,0,0,0,1
'Modelview mode
glShadeModel GL_SMOOTH 'set shading to smooth(try GL_FLAT)
'Enable Texturing
'glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D
glDepthFunc GL_LEQUAL
'Tell openGL that we want the best possible perspective transform

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, @LightPos(0)) '' Set Light1 Position
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, @LightAmb(0)) '' Set Light1 Ambience
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, @LightDif(0)) '' Set Light1 Diffuse
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, @LightSpc(0)) '' Set Light1 Specular
glEnable(GL_LIGHT1) '' Enable Light1
glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) '' Enable Lighting
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_AMBIENT, @MatAmb(0)) '' Set Material Ambience
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, @MatDif(0)) '' Set Material Diffuse
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, @MatSpc(0)) '' Set Material Specular
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, @MatShn(0)) '' Set Material Shininess
'glCullFace(GL_BACK) '' Set Culling Face To Back Face



glFogf(GL_FOG_START, 50.f)
glFogf(GL_FOG_END, 1.f)
sub setcamera(p as vec3,v as vec3)
gluPerspective FOVy, aspect, znear, zfar
gluLookAt p.x,p.y,p.z,p.x+v.x,p.y+v.y,p.z+v.z,up.x,up.y,up.z
end Sub

Sub setcamera_plane(p as vec3,v as vec3)
gluPerspective 60, aspect, znear, zfar
gluLookAt p.x-9,p.y,p.z+2,p.x,p.y,p.z+3,up.x,up.y,up.z
end Sub

Sub setcamera_plane_up(p as vec3,v as vec3)
gluPerspective 1, aspect, znear, zfar
gluLookAt p.x,p.y,p.z+2000,p.x,p.y,p.z,1,0,0
end Sub

sub setcamera0
GetMouse( xmouse, ymouse , , buttons)
If buttons And 1 Then phi =phip-0.01*(xmouse-xmousep):teta =tetap-0.01*(ymouse-ymousep) else tetap=teta:phip=phi:xmousep=xmouse:ymousep=ymouse end if
gluPerspective FOVy, aspect, znear, zfar
'gluLookAt 700,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
gluLookAt 400*sin(teta)*cos(phi),400*sin(teta)*sin(phi),400*cos(teta),0,0,0,0,0,1
end sub

sub getxymouse(byref x as single,byref y as single,byref w as integer )
GetMouse( xmouse, ymouse ,w, buttons)
'If buttons And 1 Then phi =phip-0.01*(xmouse-xmousep):teta =tetap-0.01*(ymouse-ymousep) else  tetap=teta:phip=phi:xmousep=xmouse:ymousep=ymouse endif
'if abs(xmouse-xmousep)< 1 then move = 0 else move = 1
'if move =0  then  xmousep= xmouse:ymousep = ymouse:tetap=teta:phip=phi: x = 0:y=0:setmouse(xres/2,yres/2) endif
'if move = 1 then phi =phip-0.01*(xmouse-xmousep-xres/2):teta =tetap-0.01*(ymouse-ymousep):x = -phi:y = teta endif
if abs(xmouse-xres/2) <=400 then x = (xmouse-xres/2)/30 'else x = (400-xres/2)/100

end sub

sub BuildFont()                                  '' Build Our Font Display List

 dim cx as single                             '' Holds Our X Character Coord
 dim cy as single                             '' Holds Our Y Character Coord
    redim buffer(256*256*4+4) as ubyte       '' Size = Width x Height x 4 bytes per pixel + 4 bytes for header
 bload "Font.bmp", @buffer(0)        '' BLOAD the bitmap
 texture(0) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))   '' Linear Texture
 bload "Bumps.bmp", @buffer(0)       '' BLOAD the bitmap
 texture(1) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))
    bload "concrete.bmp", @buffer(0)       '' BLOAD the bitmap
 texture(2) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))
  redim buffer(512*512*4+4) as ubyte
 bload "sky.bmp", @buffer(0)       '' BLOAD the bitmap 
texture(3) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))
    bload "image1.bmp", @buffer(0) ,     '' BLOAD the bitmap
 texture(4) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))
    bload "image2.bmp", @buffer(0) ,     '' BLOAD the bitmap
 texture(5) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))
    bload "image3.bmp", @buffer(0) ,     '' BLOAD the bitmap
 texture(6) = CreateTexture(@buffer(0))
    gbase = glGenLists(256)                      '' Creating 256 Display Lists
   glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(0)      '' Select Our Font Texture
for gloop = 0 to 255                         '' Loop Through All 256 Lists
  cx = (gloop mod 16)/16.0                 '' X Position Of Current Character
  cy = (gloop\16)/16.0                     '' Y Position Of Current Character

  glNewList gbase+gloop, GL_COMPILE        '' Start Building A List
  glBegin GL_QUADS                         '' Use A Quad For Each Character
   glTexCoord2f cx, 1-cy-0.0625         '' Texture Coord (Bottom Left)
   glVertex2i 0, 0                      '' Vertex Coord (Bottom Left)
   glTexCoord2f cx+0.0625, 1-cy-0.0625  '' Texture Coord (Bottom Right)
   glVertex2i 16,0                      '' Vertex Coord (Bottom Right)
   glTexCoord2f cx+0.0625, 1-cy         '' Texture Coord (Top Right)
   glVertex2i 16, 16                    '' Vertex Coord (Top Right)
   glTexCoord2f cx,1-cy                 '' Texture Coord (Top Left)
   glVertex2i 0, 16                     '' Vertex Coord (Top Left)
  glEnd                                    '' Done Building Our Quad (Character)
  glTranslated 10, 0, 0                    '' Move To The Right Of The Character
  glEndList                                '' Done Building The Display List
 next                                         '' Loop Until All 256 Are Built
end sub

sub glPrint(byval x as integer, byval y as integer, byref glstring as string, byval gset as integer)

 if gset>1 then gset=1

 glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(0)                         '' Select Our Font Texture
 glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST                                         '' Disables Depth Testing
 glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION                                      '' Select The Projection Matrix
 glPushMatrix                                                    '' Store The Projection Matrix
  glLoadIdentity                                              '' Reset The Projection Matrix
  glOrtho 0, Xres, 0, Yres,-1, 1                                '' Set Up An Ortho Screen
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
  glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
   glLoadIdentity                                          '' Reset The Modelview Matrix
   glTranslated x, y, 0                                    '' Position The Text (0,0 - Bottom Left)
   glListBase gbase-32+(128*gset)                          '' Choose The Font Set (0 or 1)
   glCallLists len(glstring),GL_BYTE, strptr(glstring)     '' Write The Text To The Screen
   glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION                              '' Select The Projection Matrix
  glPopMatrix                                                 '' Restore The Old Projection Matrix
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
 glPopMatrix                                                     '' Restore The Old Projection Matrix
 glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST                                          '' Enables Depth Testing
end sub

sub  cokbit ( teta as single)
    glcolor3f 0.0,0.0,1.0
    glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D 
    'glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST  
    glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(3)
   glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION                                      '' Select The Projection Matrix
  glPushMatrix                                                    '' Store The Projection Matrix
  glLoadIdentity                                              '' Reset The Projection Matrix
  glOrtho 0, xres, 0, yres,-1, 1  
   glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
   glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
            gltranslated xres/2,yres/2,0
            glrotatef teta,0,0,1
            glBegin GL_QUADS                         '' Use A Quad For Each Character
   glTexCoord2f 0,0         '' Texture Coord (Bottom Left)
   glVertex2f - 200, 200                      '' Vertex Coord (Bottom Left)
   glTexCoord2f 0,1  '' Texture Coord (Bottom Right)
   glVertex2f 200,200                      '' Vertex Coord (Bottom Right)
   glTexCoord2f 1, 1         '' Texture Coord (Top Right)
   glVertex2f 200, -200                    '' Vertex Coord (Top Right)
   glTexCoord2f 1.0,0                 '' Texture Coord (Top Left)
   glVertex2f -200, -200
            '' Vertex Coord (Top Left)
         glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION                              '' Select The Projection Matrix
  glPopMatrix                                                 '' Restore The Old Projection Matrix
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
end sub

sub  picture ( teta as single, x as single,y as single, z as single)
    glcolor3f 1.0,1.0,1.0
   glDisable GL_BLEND
    glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D 
    'glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST  
   ' glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(3)
        glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
   glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
            glrotatef teta,0,0,1
            gltranslated x,y,z
            glBegin GL_QUADS                         '' Use A Quad For Each Character
   glTexCoord2f 0.0,0.0 : glVertex3f 0,-radius/2, 0
   glTexCoord2f 1.0,0.0 :  glVertex3f 0,radius/2, 0
   glTexCoord2f 1.0, 1.0 : glVertex3f 0,radius/2,radius                   
            glTexCoord2f 0.0,1.0  : glVertex3f 0,-radius/2, radius
            '' Vertex Coord (Top Left)
         glcolor3f 1,0,0
         gltranslated 0,0,radius/2
        glrotatef 90,0.0,1.0,0.0
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
end sub

sub  plane( teta as Single)
    glcolor3f 0.5,0.5,0.5
   glDisable GL_BLEND
    glDisable GL_TEXTURE_2D 
    'glDisable GL_DEPTH_TEST  
   ' glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture(3)
        glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
   glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
            gltranslatef position.x,position.y,position.z
            glrotatef teta,1,0,0
        '     glBegin GL_QUADS                         '' Use A Quad For Each Character
  ' glTexCoord2f 0.0,0.0 : glVertex3f 0,0, 0
 '  glTexCoord2f 1.0,0.0 :  glVertex3f 0,0, 0
 '  glTexCoord2f 1.0, 1.0 : glVertex3f -1,-1,0                  
     '       glTexCoord2f 0.0,1.0  : glVertex3f -1,+1,0
            '' Vertex Coord (Top Left)
        gluSphere(q, 0.3, 10, 10) 
        glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
        glscalef 1,17,1
         glrotatef 20,1,0,0
         gltranslatef 0,0.8,0.05
          glscalef 7,0.5,7
        glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
          glrotatef -20,1,0,0
          gltranslatef 0,-0.8,0.05
          glscalef 7,0.5,7
         glrotatef 20+180,1,0,0
          gltranslatef 0,0.8,0.05
          glscalef 7,0.5,7
        glPushMatrix                                                '' Store The Modelview Matrix
          glrotatef -20+180,1,0,0
          gltranslatef 0,-0.8,0.05
          glscalef 7,0.5,7
        'glrotatef 90,0.0,1.0,0.0
  glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW                                   '' Select The Modelview Matrix
end sub