fastdraw64 is a graphic engine software rendering running on 64 bits windows platform written in C and assembly language
// fastdraw64 tuto1 create window
#include "fastdraw.cpp"
void draw() {
fd_clear(0,0,100); // clear the buffer
int main() {
fd_window("fd64 tuto1",800,600);
return 0;
Fast Clear 64bits
void fd_clear(byte r,byte g,byte b) {
static byte red asm("red") = r;
static byte green asm("green") = g;
static byte blue asm("blue") = b;
asm ("mov rax,red\n"
"shl rax,8\n"
"or rax,green\n"
"shl rax,8\n"
"or rax,blue\n"
"mov rbx,rax\n"
"shl rax,32\n"
"or rax,rbx\n"
"mov rdi,fd_backbuffer\n"
"mov rcx,size\n"
"shr rcx,3\n"
"rep stosq");
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